Why Am I Being Referred to a Rheumatologist?

If you have been suffering from a chronic pain condition and your GP has referred you to a specialist rheumatologist, then you may be wondering why, and how they can help relieve your chronic pain condition.

There are several chronic pain and rheumatic health conditions, including over 100 types of arthritis. Many of these conditions need the care and attention of a specialist doctor such as a rheumatologist because GPs are trained in general medicine and lack the needed in-depth training and medical knowledge to accurately diagnose and treat these inflammatory conditions.

Reasons to see a rheumatologist

Your GP may refer you to a specialist rheumatologist, such as Dr Naveen Bhadauria, who is currently practising as a substantive NHS Consultant Rheumatologist at North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust.

Dr Bhadauria also practises private rheumatology from his clinic rooms of Spire London East and BMI Cavell.

You may get a referral for any of the following chronic pain conditions:

Joint pain and swelling

Joint pain and swelling can be an early indicator of a rheumatic condition and this is why it makes sense to get an early diagnosis from a specialist rheumatoid doctor so you can get treatment as early as possible.

Getting an early diagnosis will also help with your long-term management of the condition and in a lot of cases, your symptoms can be reduced to a more manageable level. Modern treatment techniques and medications may also help to reduce or delay the progress of the condition.

Blood test results

If your GP spots any abnormal blood test results, it could be an indication of rheumatic disease, in which case they may refer you to a specialist rheumatologist for further investigation and an accurate diagnosis.

However, if you suspect that you are suffering from chronic pain symptoms but don’t know what’s wrong, then you can often put your mind at ease by skipping your GP and going directly for a private consultation with a specialist rheumatologist such as Dr Bhadauria.

A lot of rheumatoid conditions are very difficult to diagnose and going through your GP for tests and having to wait on an NHS waiting list for many months can feel very disheartening.

Specialist Rheumatologists, such as Dr Bhadauria, have the appropriate training and experience in diagnosing and treating hard to diagnose arthritic and inflammatory conditions that general practitioners lack. They are highly skilled in piecing together many different chronic pain symptoms and performing detailed tests to help diagnose your condition that GP’s don’t have access to.

It can be had to struggle along alone while suffering from painful unexplained health conditions. The right thing to do is to book a private consultation with Dr Bhadauria who will be able to give you an accurate diagnosis, prescribe the right pain-killing medication as well as the most appropriate treatment for your condition.

Don’t put up with the pain any longer! Get in touch with Dr Bhadauria and his friendly team today so you can quickly get the help you need.

Ongoing treatment for gout

We all know that gout is a very unpleasant disease, and you can have a painful attack at any time. Effective long term management of your gout condition will often require taking a different approach using multiple medications.

Despite gout being one of the most common causes of acute mono-articular arthritis, the medications used to treat the symptoms have been long established. However, modern clinical trials are constantly testing new medicines for the treatment and long term management of gout.

This is why if your GP suspects that you have developed gout, it can pay you to have a private consultation with Dr Bhadauria at one of his London medical practices. As a consultant rheumatologist working on the cutting edge of chronic pain research, he is more informed about new gout medications and treatments coming into use.

If you suspect that you have gout, it can be better managed immediately and in the long term when diagnosis and treatment are prompt. Many gout patients will need long term therapy with xanthine oxidase inhibitors or uricosuric agents. But getting a diagnosis and early treatment can lead to a better overall outcome for you.

While you may want to visit your GP initially, you can save yourself a lot of time getting the correct diagnosis and treatment by booking a private consultation with Dr Bhadauria.