What are the warning signs of ankylosing spondylitis?

Understanding Ankylosing Spondylitis

Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a chronic, inflammatory condition that affects the spine, causing pain and stiffness. In the UK, awareness of this condition is increasing, yet many remain undiagnosed due to subtle early symptoms. Identifying the warning signs can lead to earlier intervention and better outcomes.

Warning Signs of Ankylosing Spondylitis

Spotting the symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis early on is crucial for a timely diagnosis and effective treatment. Here, we delve into the common warning signs associated with this condition.

1. Chronic Lower Back Pain

Chronic lower back pain that worsens after rest but eases with exercise is a hallmark of AS. Unlike typical back pain, AS pain is often more pronounced during the early hours of the morning or after long periods of inactivity.

2. Gradual Onset

The symptoms of AS usually appear slowly, over several months or years. It’s not a condition that suddenly manifests overnight. This gradual onset can make it easy to dismiss early symptoms as simple aches or strains.

3. Limited Mobility

Over time, an individual with AS may notice a reduced range of motion, particularly in the spine. This stiffness can make it challenging to perform daily tasks and activities, leading to a decreased quality of life.

4. Fatigue

Many people with AS experience fatigue or general tiredness. This fatigue is not just the usual tiredness that comes from a lack of sleep but a profound exhaustion that doesn’t improve with rest.

“Ankylosing spondylitis can be debilitating, but recognising the signs early can lead to better management and improved quality of life.”

What are the 4 body areas affected by ankylosing spondylitis?

Ankylosing spondylitis primarily affects the spine, but it can also manifest in other areas of the body. Let’s delve deeper into the four primary regions affected by AS:

  1. Spine: The most commonly affected area, leading to chronic back pain and stiffness.
  2. Hips: Inflammation can occur at the points where tendons and ligaments attach to bones, causing hip pain.
  3. Ribcage: AS can cause the ribs to fuse, making it hard to take a deep breath.
  4. Eyes (Uveitis): In some cases, AS can cause inflammation in the eyes, leading to blurred vision or redness.

Additional Complications

Ankylosing spondylitis can also lead to various complications if left untreated. Some of these complications include:

  • Compression fractures
  • Heart problems
  • Respiratory issues

The Worst Symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis

Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) can present a wide range of symptoms, with varying degrees of severity. While all symptoms can be distressing, some can significantly impact a person’s daily life and overall well-being. Here, we highlight some of the most debilitating symptoms of AS.

1. Severe Spinal Stiffness

As the disease progresses, the vertebrae in the spine can fuse together. This fusion leads to a permanent and rigid spine, severely limiting mobility and causing a stooped-forward posture.

2. Acute Eye Inflammation

Known as uveitis or iritis, this symptom causes redness and pain in the eyes, sensitivity to light, and blurred vision. If not treated promptly, it can lead to permanent vision damage.

3. Breathing Difficulties

Due to the fusion of the ribcage, individuals may experience difficulty expanding their chest when breathing. This can result in shortness of breath and potentially lead to respiratory complications.

4. Heart Complications

AS can affect the heart’s functioning, leading to problems like aortic valve insufficiency or even heart failure. While less common, these symptoms are particularly serious and require immediate medical attention.

5. Chronic, Debilitating Pain

Over time, the chronic pain associated with AS can become nearly constant, affecting not just the back but other areas of the body as well. This pain can be so severe that it disrupts sleep and impedes daily activities.

“The gravity of ankylosing spondylitis symptoms varies among individuals, but understanding the potential severity is crucial for timely intervention and management.”

The worst symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis are not just physically challenging but can have profound effects on mental and emotional health as well. It is imperative for individuals with AS to maintain regular check-ups and consultations with healthcare professionals to manage and mitigate these severe symptoms effectively.


Ankylosing spondylitis, while primarily affecting the spine, can manifest symptoms in various parts of the body. Recognising the early warning signs is crucial for timely diagnosis and treatment. As awareness grows in the UK, individuals should remain vigilant about their health and consult professionals if they suspect they might be showing signs of AS.