Tips For Living with Osteoporosis

As an experienced rheumatologist consultant, I treat a number of conditions that most people do not associate with rheumatology. One of them is osteoporosis. For some people, osteoporosis can be linked to inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. The good news is that it’s possible to live a very fulfilling life even with this condition.

Osteoporosis is a condition characterised by a loss of bone density. Bones gradually get weaker, making them prone to fractures. Knowing this, one of the best things we can do for osteoporosis patients is to help them avoid further bone density loss. We can also offer advice about how to avoid fractures.

If you suffer from osteoporosis, here are some tips for continuing to live your best life despite your condition:

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Vitamin D is very important in treating osteoporosis. Why? Because vitamin D encourages your body to absorb and use calcium the way nature intended. Ample vitamin D and calcium strengthens weak bones and increases bone density. To that end, I recommend patients maintain a healthy diet that provides plenty of vitamin D. At times I may recommend both vitamin D and calcium supplements.

Maintain a Healthy Body Weight

As bones lose density, they have a more difficult time supporting a person’s weight. This explains why overweight osteoporosis patients are more likely to suffer fractures. One of the best things you can do in this regard is maintain a healthy body weight. If need be, discuss with your doctor how you can lose excess pounds that might be making your condition worse. If you are already at a healthy body weight, do your best not to put on pounds.

Get Regular Exercise

Exercise is always good for general health. Even osteoporosis patients can benefit from regular exercise that strengthens bones and muscles, improves balance, and increases energy levels. However, there is one caveat: osteoporosis patients have to be careful about the types of exercises they do. High impact exercises can be harmful as can those that involve excessive bending and twisting. Your doctor can help you come up with an appropriate exercise programme in light of your current condition.

Declutter Your Home

Some 3 million people in the UK suffer with osteoporosis. The vast majority of them are older people. Unfortunately, older people are more likely to trip and fall, which is not good if you have osteoporosis. So to prevent accidental trips and falls, I encourage osteoporosis patients to declutter their homes. The goal is to remove unnecessary furniture and other objects that get in the way of safe movement. Hallways, doorways, and staircases should be kept free of all obstructions.

Avoid Alcohol

As hard as it might be, it is best to avoid alcohol if you have osteoporosis. Excessive alcohol consumption can make it more difficult for older bones to maintain density. And of course, drinking always increases the risks of falling and breaking a bone.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Finally, the body needs restful sleep to repair itself. Making a point of getting plenty of sleep will only help your body fight the effects of osteoporosis. It will also enhance your efforts to maintain a healthy diet and get regular exercise.

If you have been hoping to find a private rheumatologist who treats osteoporosis, you have come to the right place. I invite you to contact my London clinic to learn more about how we can help. Osteoporosis doesn’t have to ruin your life. You can manage it while continuing to live your best life ever.

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