Osteoarthritis Specialist London

Osteoarthritis can be a painful form of arthritis and is currently the most common form of arthritis in the world. Experts believe the condition is caused by the general wear and tear of the joints and is an issue that gradually develops and becomes worse over time.

It is expected that just about everyone will experience some stiffness in their joints as they get older, but the symptoms can be much worse in some people causing a level of pain and distress that will affect their quality of life. Arthritis is a health condition that can be distressing, and more than three-quarters of sufferers say that it stops them living life to the full.

A common issue that doctors find is for people to develop osteoarthritis later in life after experiencing a significant injury to a joint, living years of a sedentary life, poor posture, over-use of joints following a very physically active life, obesity, or some genetic predisposition for developing the condition.

However, osteoarthritis patients can get very effective relief from their condition that will allow them a new lease of life and to regain full function of the affected joints once again without experiencing debilitating pain or joint stiffness.

What are steroid joint injections?

Steroid joint injections are one of the most effective treatments for osteoarthritis. They can help people get around better, be more mobile and active and lead a normal life. These injections can be a very good alternative to taking long-term pain medication or undergoing joint surgery.

Injections can be given in several areas of the body including muscles, joints or spine. Depending on your symptoms you may experience relief with just a few hours or within a few days of receiving the treatment. The injection site may remain a little sore for a while afterwards, but the treatment can last for a good few months before you need another, if the pain returns.

If you have any questions about steroid joint injections or any other osteoarthritis treatments, do not hesitate to get in touch with Dr Naveen Bhadauria and his team who will be happy to answer your questions. They will be happy to discuss your requirements and the options for appointments and possible treatments available to you.

What treatments are available?

Dr Naveen Bhadauria is a Consultant Rheumatologist currently practising from the prestigious, luxurious and world-renowned clinic rooms of BMI Cavell and Spire London East.

Dr Bhadauria offers a wide range of effective treatments to help his patients relieve their symptoms of osteoarthritis and live a more comfortable life. The treatment options open to patients will depend on their diagnosis and active symptoms.

Some of the treatment options include:

  • Steroid Joint Injections to help provide relief from injury or arthritis pain
  • Analgesic pain relief – prescription medications that offer pain relief
  • Physiotherapy to help patients regain movement in the body that were previously limited

You may be given a tailored physiotherapy exercise programme to follow to help increase your joint mobility. You may be prescribed effective pain relief medications to reduce the debilitation pain and allow for exercises to be done to strengthen the joint. You may be given steroid joint injections to directly treat affected joints for swift relief of your symptoms.

Patients seeing Dr Bhadauria will be treated with the most appropriate solution to help relieve their osteoarthritic pain using the right combination of therapies including outpatient advice to follow to help them maintain healthy joints and stay active.

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Please call 0207 126 7264


If you would like to find out more about the treatments that Dr. Naveen Bhadauria offers or have any questions please get in touch with his PA using the link below.