Is walking good for osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a global health concern impacting millions of people, particularly in the United Kingdom. It weakens the bones, making them fragile and more prone to fractures. Amid the multitude of treatments and preventative measures, the question arises: Is walking good for osteoporosis?

Overview of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition characterized by weakened bones that become fragile and break easily. In the UK, it is estimated that osteoporosis affects one in two women and one in five men over the age of 50.

The Benefits of Walking for Osteoporosis

Engaging in regular physical activity is paramount for maintaining bone density and overall bone health. Walking, as a weight-bearing exercise, has been shown to offer multiple benefits for individuals with osteoporosis:

  • Improves Bone Density
  • Enhances Balance and Coordination
  • Boosts Overall Health and Well-Being

“Walking is man’s best medicine.”
– Hippocrates

Improves Bone Density

Walking puts gentle stress on the bones, which stimulates bone-forming cells and helps in retaining calcium in the bones, leading to improved bone density.

Enhances Balance and Coordination

Regular walking enhances balance and coordination, reducing the risk of falls and fractures, a significant concern for individuals with osteoporosis.

Walking as a Safe Exercise Option

Not all forms of exercise are suitable for individuals with osteoporosis. High-impact exercises may cause fractures and worsen the condition. Walking, however, is a low-impact exercise, making it a safer option for maintaining bone health without the risk of injury.

How to Incorporate Walking into Your Routine

Integrating walking into your daily routine is relatively simple. Below are some suggestions:

  1. Start with short, daily walks and gradually increase the duration and intensity.
  2. Choose a comfortable and supportive pair of walking shoes.
  3. Include varied terrain, such as hills or trails, to provide additional bone-stimulating impact.
  4. Ensure proper posture and form to prevent strain or injury.

How long should I walk if I have osteoporosis?

Before starting a new exercise routine, it’s essential to consult your healthcare provider. They can assess your current health condition and provide personalized recommendations regarding the type, intensity, and duration of exercise that is safe and beneficial for you.

Start Slow

If you’re new to walking for exercise or have been inactive for a while, it’s essential to start slow. Begin with shorter, less strenuous walks, and gradually increase the duration and intensity as your strength and endurance improve.

Duration and Frequency

A common general recommendation is to aim for about 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week. However, the optimal duration and frequency of walking for individuals with osteoporosis may vary based on individual health conditions, fitness levels, and doctor’s recommendations.

  • Short, Daily Walks: Start with 10 to 15 minutes of comfortable walking each day and gradually increase the duration as tolerated. Short, daily walks can help improve bone density and cardiovascular health without placing excessive strain on the bones and joints.
  • Longer Walks: If tolerated, gradually increase to longer walks (30 minutes or more). Pay attention to how your body responds, and avoid pushing through pain or discomfort.

Pay Attention to Terrain and Footwear

Choose smooth, even terrain for your walks to minimize the risk of falling and injury. Wear supportive, comfortable footwear that provides good traction and stability.

Listen to Your Body

It’s vital to listen to your body while exercising. If you experience pain, discomfort, or fatigue, it’s crucial to rest and consult your healthcare provider. Overexerting yourself can increase the risk of fractures and other injuries.

Combine Walking with Other Exercises

Incorporate balance and strength-training exercises into your routine alongside walking. These exercises can further improve bone density, muscle strength, and stability, helping to reduce the risk of falls and fractures.

Can walking reverse osteoporosis?

Walking is a weight-bearing exercise that can help increase bone density and strengthen the bones, which is particularly beneficial for people with osteoporosis. However, it’s important to note that while regular physical activity like walking can help improve bone health, it cannot fully reverse osteoporosis.

  1. Cannot Fully Restore Lost Bone:
    • Although walking and other weight-bearing exercises can improve bone density, they cannot fully restore bone that has already been lost.
  2. Not the Only Management Approach:
    • Exercise should be just one component of osteoporosis management. Medications, dietary changes, and other interventions may also be necessary.

Is too much walking bad for osteoporosis?

Exercise, including walking, is generally beneficial for individuals with osteoporosis as it helps to improve bone density, muscle strength, balance, and overall health. However, like any other form of exercise, it’s essential to find a balance. Too much walking or exercising excessively without adequate rest and recovery can potentially have some negative effects, even for individuals with osteoporosis.

Potential Concerns of Excessive Walking with Osteoporosis:

1. Increased Fracture Risk:

  • Overexertion without adequate rest may increase the risk of stress fractures, particularly in individuals with already weakened bones due to osteoporosis.

2. Overuse Injuries:

  • Walking for extended periods without proper footwear or on uneven terrain could lead to overuse injuries in the feet, ankles, and legs.

3. Muscle Fatigue:

  • Excessive exercise can lead to muscle fatigue, reducing stability and increasing the likelihood of falls, which is a significant concern for individuals with osteoporosis.

4. Interference with Bone Recovery:

  • The bones need time to repair and strengthen after exercise. Without adequate recovery time, the bones may not have the opportunity to rebuild effectively, negating the benefits of exercise for bone health.


In conclusion, walking is not only a viable but also a beneficial form of exercise for individuals with osteoporosis. It enhances bone density, improves balance and coordination, and boosts overall health and well-being, making it an excellent choice for maintaining bone health and preventing further bone degeneration.